Brimstone Devlog 1 (Creature)

Hello everyone! This is Creature, with Midnight Games, announcing the production of BRIMSTONE, a project made for Wake Tech Community College's final project class. 

I'm joined by five other creative minds on this project, who will all make their own posts here in the upcoming weeks. 

My name is Creature, and I'm the team project manager. My job mostly consists of taking care of my team when it comes to organization, direction, and helping production move as fast as it can at a comfortable pace. This week we have been collectively working on concept documentation and building our proof of concept, and the artists this week have been working on making models that will be needed for our levels. 

I personally chose to model some painting frames, a key, a key with a tag, and some other objects needed for our hotel. 

I also worked on finishing the enemy model, which I completed concept art, and a high poly sculpt. I'm very excited to be working on this, as I'm mainly a concept monster artist and learned how to use Zbrush this spring. We agreed as a team that this demon will be the main antagonist and will be chasing the player around the hotel as the player attempts to solve puzzles.  I suggested that the demon look something like Krampus, as there are a lot of old-timey illustrations related to the demon that fit the style of the 1950's hotel the game is set in. 

I finished the week by completing the advanced concept document with my team, which is a good way to keep track of everything we want implemented into the game.  I then did some simple UI assets for the puzzles we are working on, and then finished up the textures for some props. 

Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for more development posts, as we will be sharing more every week. I'm very excited about this project and how it will turn out, as I'm incredibly proud of my team's work already. 

Get The Brimstone Final Project 2024

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