Brimstone Devlog 8 (Creature)

Hey everyone, it's me Creature again! 

I wanted to match my teammate in making a video log of my development this week!

I also did a lot of things marketing-wise! I bought our team t-shirts, banners, thank-you cards, etc! We're on our way to being fully ready for our presentations next Tuesday! We're keeping ourselves busy by polishing things and bug-testing endlessly. Thanks to you guys, who have been helping by giving valuable feedback, the people who test games make games possible.

I'm going to miss my team once this is all over, but I know it'll be time to celebrate once we get gold and present in front of all our friends and family. I'm incredibly proud of the work I've put in as well as my teammates.

Here are some of the many things I did this week: model the demon statue collectible, make the secret room, change and add some neat things to the credits menu, add and complete the help menu, and make some renders for the menus of gameplay. 

Thank you for tuning in!

Get The Brimstone Final Project 2024

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