Brimstone Devlog 7 (Alden)

Hey everyone! It's Alden back for another devlog for my group's game: The Brimstone. 

This week, I did mostly game design, however I did implement a new feature, that being a UI notification to the player when the demon, Furcas, is getting near, but more on that a bit later in this post.

The first thing I worked on this week was creating sprites for each interactable object that the player is able to hold in their inventory. This was a fairly simple process, as all it took was going into an empty scene and taking screenshots of each object, and bringing them into Photopea (a Photoshop alternative), and masking out the background. 

Next, I made a small tweak to our inventory UI, which I implemented last week. All that I changed here was adding brackets to further explain to the player that the keys to swap items are the 1 and 2 keys. In the video I made for this week's devlog, I show a demo of how that looks in game.

Now, I will talk about the feature that I implemented this week. The enemy nearby UI image is handled by setting the transparency based on the distance between the player and Furcas. The further away Furcas is to the player, the higher the transparency becomes, and the closer he gets, the lower the transparency becomes.  I show a demo of this in the devlog video I made.

Next, I placed notes and newspapers across all of our levels. The notes and newspapers are meant to give the player hints about the puzzles in each level, as well as give lore to explain what is going on in each level.

Finally, I implemented sound effects for when the text dialogue NPCs (The orbs in all levels) are speaking. In the DialogueController script, I added an array of whispering sounds, and each time the player interacts with an NPC or goes to the next line, it plays a random sound clip from the array. 

This week was essentially a week for polish, as we are approaching the end of this project cycle. Thank you all for reading, and hopefully watching my devlog video. This is my last post for The Brimstone, however, my teammates will continue posting devlogs as long as the project cycle continues!

Check out the devlog video! 


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