Brimstone Devlog #12 (Owen)

Hey everyone, Owen here with our last devblog for the Brimstone for the for seeable future. Before we start this devblog we on the Midnight Games team want to thank everyone who’s been following along with us as we developed this game, as well as everyone who came out last Tuesday to the presentation event to see us and all the other wonderful games for this year’s summer final class. We appreciate everyone’s support and interest.

Last week’s efforts focused mostly on getting ready for our presentations at Waketech. So, I’ll be explaining the steps we took to prepare our game and some other things for the presentation in two separate sections. One for the game, and the second one for our booth and presentation video.

Firstly, and most importantly, was our game, and making sure it was all ready for people to play at our booth. While this was important and took a lot of time, the process wasn’t exactly full of interesting new developments sense were so late into production. As such our worklog consisted mostly of play testing, bug fixing, minor visual changes here and there such as cobwebs and a new TV prop, and minor functional additions like a place to put the skull down at in each level. Pictures of these changes are listed below.

(Picture of new area to place Constantine the skull)

(Pictures of new tv and cobweb props made by Creature Sari)

                 As for our booth and video, we decided to set up our booth and our outfits as if we were hotel staff to match the theme of our game. I thought this was a cool idea that made us stand out, a picture of us at our booth is below let us know what you think. Our video was around six minutes and 50 seconds long, with each of us having a section dedicated to talking about certain aspects of the game, what we did, and what we enjoyed. At the end and beginning of the video we included small sections of gameplay to show off our game in more detail. A link to the video is also posted below.

 (Picture of us at our booth)

(Link to video)

                That about wraps it up for this and last week. Thank you everyone again for coming along with us as we developed the Brimstone. We had a great time making this game and seeing everyone try it last Tuesday.


The Brimstone 603 MB
59 days ago

Get The Brimstone Final Project 2024

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