Brimstone Devlog 3 (Hunter)

     Hello everyone! I am Hunter Jacobs and I can proudly say I am a part of team Midnight Games creating BRIMSTONE. As said before this is a Community College final project class and we are very excited to present this to you!

     At this point in the Dev cycle I have mainly been creating the Models of the Puzzles you see in the game but i've also started to make environment props as well. This week I helped make/create the level layout of our three hotel floors/levels. I talked a lot about what would work out better for the game flow and puzzle designs but this is what we ended up deciding on. I will mainly be going over why I chose these layouts and why they create a fun and entertaining game loop.

     Part of are game loop involves solving puzzles to acquire the lost souls room keys so that you can help them move on. While doing so there will be other room keys to collect and return to the front desk. We have hidden these other keys from the player to give them a challenge and add an overall goal for the player between each floor.

Level One:

     Level one is a multi connecting hall layout that allows the player to move around the floor with many routes that provides an easy learning curve. Most of the items the player uses can be accessible from one main hall but if the player needs to run away they have many options. Once the player has talked to the soul they can start looking for a misplaced book to return to the reading rooms bookcase to help this soul. Once completed the player will be instructed to find a lost prized perfume bottle our soul wants to bring to the afterlife. Upon completing this the player is given the key to the lost souls room and tasked with bringing back the keys to the lobby without getting caught. This game loop is seen in all three of the levels and if caught the player will return to the beginning of the level. 

Level Two:

     Level Two has a similar core layout but has blocking paths and extra rooms to add space for the puzzles. I thought this would allow more chances for the player to encounter the devil and utilize are hiding mechanic. How this levels progression works is once the player has talked to the soul they are tasked with finding baby blocks for a toy the soul misplaced. I wanted to make the player have to search around for the baby blocks forcing them to wander the halls longer. Once all the blocks have been found the player will be tasked with finding and completing the Da vinci puzzle. This is completed by putting the correct word in the puzzle rewarding them with a crank. Once the player revisits the soul they will find a music box to put this crank in and calm the soul. Once the soul has been helped they will reward the player with the location of the souls room key. 

     One of the puzzles i did this week was the maze ball puzzle. Once you have been rewarded with the marble you will be tasked with finding out what to do with this marble. While I was creating this puzzle I wanted to have two paths that lead to the ending lane so it creates options for the player. I wanted to have each small puzzle only take around a minute to solve so I made sure to make this maze small.

Extra Model to show off

Get The Brimstone Final Project 2024

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